Cliff at Little Corona Beachoil/panel
11 x 14
Gray Clouds, Aliso Beachoil/panel
9" x 12" Black rocks protruding into the ocean on a cloudy morning.
Laguna Morning 32016oil on board
9" x 12"
Corona Del Mar Beachoil/panel
Morning Wave2015oil/canvas
9 x 12Sold by Auction : Art for All the Children
Little Corona Beach 32015WC
10 x 12
Turbulenceoil on canvas
10" x 10"
Main Beach, Laguna Beachoil/panel
9" x 12
2636 Towards Tiffany # 2oil/canvas
24" x 30"
Walk Way, Rainy Dayoil/panel
12" x 9"295
Country Lane2017oil/panel
12" x 9"
Red Toweroil/panel
10 x 12collection Julie
Winter's Glare, Back Bayoil on canvas
11" x 14"Glare from the noonday sun in winter made me squint to paint this scene just below the Muth Center at Upper Newport Bay.
Fire-stick and Potting Shed2017oil/panel
10 x 10
Enchanted Cottagesoil/pane;
11 x 14
Painter Under a Bridge
11" x 14"
Early Morning Bluffsoil on panel
8" x 10" Bluffs on the west side of Back Bay in early morning light.
Country Road2017oil/panel
8 x 10"Collection: Jim and Andrea Dietze
Enchanted Cottagesoil/panel
11 x14Second version of the cottages in San Juan Capistrano
Afternoon Glare, Back Bayoil/panel
9" x 12".
Topanga Canyonoil /canvas
11" x 14"
Red cabinoil on panel
8 x 10"collection: Jenna Harris
Marsh Geometryoil/linen
9" x 12"The Back Bay from the Muth Center at low tide. The geometric lines of channels crossing the marsh make me think of Peru's Nazca lines where patterns on the desert floor were once thought to be landing strips for UFOs.
Canyon Roadoil on panel
9" x 12"Jim and Andrea Dietze collection
Clark Park Waterfall2015WC
9 x 12
Arboretum Footbridge2017oil on panel
14 x 11
The Blue Caroil on gessoed paper
21" x 23"400
Clark Park 5 Trees2015WC
9 x 10
Laguna Canyon Road2015oil on panel
9 x 12"collection: Jim and Andrea Dietze
Tustin Lot20160il on panel
9 x 12"
White House by Flood Channel2013oil/panel
11" x 14" 325
Four O'clock Shadowsoil on panel
8" x 10" Upper Newport Bay with shadows staring to turn violet in the late afternoon light.
Rocky Outcropping, Laguna Wilderness Parkoil/canvas
16" x 20"Alan Tapley collection
Red Rock22015WC
10 x 13
Big Rocks, Laguna Wildernessoil/paper
11" x 15"
Reaching2017oil on panel
11 x 14
Back Bay Channel 2oil/panel
10 x 8collection Julie
Red Rock 3201510 x 13
Laguna Wilderness Parkoil/canvas
22" x 24"Sandy Cooper collection
Painting the Parkoil/canvas
Collection: Gia Harris and Tim Gettys
Wendt 'n the Willowsoil on canvas
16" x 20"
Red Rock 12015WC
9 x14
Potting Shed and Arboretum Storeoil/canvas
26" x 30"
Bench by the Trailoil on panel
10" x 8"Painted at Nix Nature Center off Hwy 133 above Laguna Beach.
On Balboa Island 12015 WC
4 x 6
Indian Canyon, Palm Springs20150il on panel
9 x 12 "
Blackstar Canyon. oil
Late Afternoon Shadowsoil/canvas
24" x 28"Collection: Gia Harris and Tim Gettys
Night Sceneoil / paper
11" x 15"
Rail Road Bridge, St Pauloil on canvas
12" x 16"250.00
The White Treeoil on gessoed paper
21" x 23"400
Dry Creek Bed2015oil on panel
8 x 10"
Platinum Pampasoil on canvas
20" x 24" From Tradewinds Lane just off Irvine Ave the view of Upper Newport Bay is striking. The dark ground cover contrast with the silky blond Pampas grass and the golden marshes below on a late afternoon at Upper Newport Bay.
Palos Verdesoil on panel
9" x 12"Looking north from the park at Trump golf course
The Beachcomber, Crystal Cove2015oil on panel
8 x 10"Collection: David and Marcia Tungate
Hazy Bluffs, Back Bayoil on Panel
8" x 10"Marsh grasses and sandstone bluffs seen on a slightly hazy morning at Newport Harbor's Back Bay. An interesting challenge to created a simple but evocative composition.
Nicollet Victorian
oil on canvas
22" x 24"
Heisler Palmsoil on panel
14" x 11"View of Palm trees looking north from Heisler Park at Laguna Beach.
Red Rock 42015WC
10 x 13from Red Rock Serenade
Twice as Nice (Mirrored Bluff)oil/panel
9" x 12"Catch the reflection before the wind comes up, you have to work quickly and remember what you saw. I got down the essentials of this scene in a hurry. Then worked to get the rest at a more leisurely pace.
Idle caboose2013oil on panel
8 x 10"
Waves Laguna Beach2015oil.panel
9 x 12donated to fundraiser for Arts for all the Children
20" x 20"
Flowers Against Buff Wall @ 2oil/panel
10 x 8
At the Easel gouache/paper
18" x 12"
Big Bend Laguna Beach
12 x 16
34" x 26"
Trees by a Pathwc
7 x 9
Concentration with Brushes1988gouache/paper
12" x 18"
Yellow Fieldsoil / paper
11" x 15"
Morning at the Beachoil/panel
8"x 10
Whale Watchwc
8 x 12
Eroded Hill, Back Baoil / paper
11" x 15"
Newport Harbor from Corona Beach20160il on board
9" x 12"
In the Washington Ave. Studiooil/paper
18" x 14"
Gray Day at Heisler Parkoil on panel
9" x 12" View from Heisler Park, Laguna Beach. Photographs helped me to establish the intricate pattern of waves on the beach.
Alley on Ballboa Island
White Houseswc
8 x 11
Deep Vista # 4o/c
34 x 26
Banana Two Apples, Lemonoil/panel
8 x 10
Sunny Studiooil/paper
10" X 8"
Bright Rocks # 6 destroyedo/c
24 x 28
Summer's Leaseoil/paper
11" x 15"
First Try Destroyed o/c
24 x 26
Robin's Back Yard 22015WC
6 x 9
Coyote Hillls Study 32016oil on board
8 x 10"Julie Collection
Whale Watch 2wc
8 x 12
Boy in Field, Back Bayoil / paper
11" x 15"Dr. Steven Richardson collection
Erosion Study Coyote Hillsoil/panel
11 x 14
Coyote Pink Hills2017oil/panel
Sunrise Optometry2015WC
10 x 14collection Sung Kim
Dry Season (Pristine California)oil/canvas
16" x 20"Summer in California. Dry orange grass shades to mauve; scrub foliage stays green: a marriage of seductive coloring and a sculptured landscape beneath a hazy sky.
On Balboa Island 22015WC
4 x 6
9 x 12Julie collection
Palm Springs Motelwc
10 x 9
Path to Coyote Hillsoil on panel
8" x 10"These picturesquely eroded cliffs mark the Western edge of the still undeveloped wildlife corridor known as Coyote Hills. Sadly, in spite of efforts to preserve this wild area, it may be soon overtaken by a housing development.
Collection: Fullerton Collegge
Reflectionsoil / paper
11" x 15"Julie Tapley collection
View of Back Bay oil / canvas
12" x 16" George and Katherine (Betsy Gable family)
Piney Pathoil/panel
12 x 9
Riley Park, Coto de Cazaoil/panel
12" x 9"
Oaxaca after Tom2015WC
10 x 13
Erie Canalwc
8 x 10
Mousetrap # 7oil/canvas
36" x 34"
Distant Hillsoil/panel
9 x 12
Barges on the Mississippioil on canavas
Lavender Trailoil/panel
8" x 10"A trail meanders through dry yellow oragne meadows winding towards a screen of purple-violet trees. A late winter afternoon view of Clark Park.
Old Town Tustin2015WC
10 x 12
14 x 11"
8 x 8
Trees in a Golden Meadow2014oil on canvas
8" x 10"Collection: Fullerton College
A White Houseoil on canvas
24" x 24"400.00
Reflections off a Car's Hood2015WC
10 x 12
Pink Bridge oil/canvas
16" x 20"495
Having His Cakeoil/canvas
34" x 34"
Climbing Rock, Irvine Parkoil/ panel
9" x 12"Collection: Gia Harris
Mississippi River at U of MNoil on canvas
15" x 20:
Black Rock (Laguna)oil/panel
8 x 10
Robin's Back Yard2015 WC
8 x 9
Carbon Canyonoil on panel
11"x 14"395Collection Julie
Flood Channeloil/paper
10" x 13"
Blackstar Canyonoil/canvas
A Summer's Dayoil/panel
9" x 12""Can I compare thee to a summer's day" - just about sums it up. collection Maria Bjorkman
Clark House Front Porchoil/panel
8 x 10Julie collection
Mississippi with Lourdes Churchoil on canvas
18" x 22"
Banana Two Apples, Lemonoil/panel
8 x 10
Tiffany at Fairfordoil/panel
8 x 10
30" x 36"
Irvine Park, Mayoil/panel
11x 14collection Julie
A Fall Day (left half)oil on gessoed paper
22" x 29"contact the artist
Bananas, Three Applesoil/panel
8 x 10
Wedding Tentoil/panel
8 x 10
Egret Fishingoil on panel
6" x 6" collection: Lindsay and Cynthia Hoyt
Pleinairist.oil on canvas
10 x 8On a late summer afternoon, I sketched this scene of an artist painting "en plein air".
A Fall Day (right half)oil on gessoed paper
22" x 29"contact the artist
Our Back Yardin and wc
10 x 10
Late Afternoon Shadowsoil/canvas
Collection: Gia Harris and Tim Gettys
Walk toward the Lightoil
8 x 10
Rock Gardenwc
10 x 13
Yellow School Busoil on gessoed paper
18" x 24"
Painting en plein air2015oil on panel
10 x 8 "
Flowers against Buff Wall # 1oil/panel
10 x 8
Painting the Parkoil/canvas
Collection: Gia Harris and Tim Gettys
Studio Tablesoil/paper
12" x 10"
9 x 13
Beneath the Bridgeoil on canvas
18" x 20"
8 x 10
Afternoon in Fullertonwc
9 x 10
Coffee Can with Brushesgouache/paper
9" x 11"
Warehouses with Pink Trucksoil on canvas
20" x 24"
Pot Shop2017oil/panel
8 x 10 "
Maui Blueswc
9 x 11
Through the Porch Windowoil on gessoed paper
16" x 12"250.00
Children's Garden2017oil/panel
8 x 10"collection: Selah Hennesy
Castle on Mauiwc
9 x 11
Alias St Johncharcoal/paper
18" x 24"
From the Front Porchoil on gessoed paper
12" x 9"
Castle on Maui 2wc
9 x 10
Huts by the Beachwc
9 x 11
Autumn Reflectionoil on canvas
12" x 15"
Maui Waveswc
8 x 13
Snow on Warehousesoil on canvas
26" x 32"500
Maui Sunsetwc
9 x 12
Betty's Lawnoil on gessoed paper
15" x 22"
Girl by the Shorewc
10 x 10
Stage for a Concertcasein on paper
12" x 16"300.00
Coyote Hills, a Trailoil/canvas
25 x 31
Refineries 4oil on paper
26" x 32"
Refineries 3oil on canvas
16" x 22"
Refineries 2oil on canvas
16" x 20"
Scruffy Trees 2015WC
10 x 12
Refineries on the Mississippioil on canvas
18" x 22"
Lone Tree Against Coyote Hills2015WC
10 x 14
Coyote Hills - Close Upoil/panel
8 x 10
Coyote Hills Study # 12016oil/panel
8 x 10Julie collection
Houses on Fairford2012acrylic/paper
St. Paul from Indian Moundoil on canvas
12" x 16"
Coyote Hills Study # 22016oil/panel
8 x 10Julie collection
Evening - Backlit Shrubs2017oil/panel
10 x 8Light on shrubs and houses on Tiffany Place Neighborhood created magic feeling.
Evening Light Tiffany at Fairford20170lil on panel
11 x 14
Coyote Hills Study # 42016oil/panel
10 x 8collection: Jim and Andrea Dietze
Interior looking Northoil/canvas
Morning on Nicollet Islandoil on canvas
16" x 20"
Meryl and Penny's Hoiuse2015WC
9 x 14
Back Log
9 x 12
Rail Road Crossingoil on canvas 18" x 24"
Tall Trees 0n a Street Corner in Fullerton2015WC
Boat Dock, Nicollet Islandoil on canvas
16" x 20"
The Old Kitchenbefore 2013pen/paper
Winter on Chilcombeoil on gessoed paper
14" x 30"
Neighbors on Tiffany2015WC
10 x 12d
Coyote Hills Parkoil on panel
8" x 10"This painting shows Coyote Hills Park, a small urban neighborhood park in Fullerton - not to be confused with the nearby much larger wilderness area of eroded cliffs know as Coyote Hills. The present view shows a few houses across the park seen through a screen of Eucalyptus trees.
The Alley Oppositeoil on gessoed paper
18" x 26"
Wexler's Back Yardoil/gessoed paper
18" x 20"250.00
Cinder Block Wall2015WC
10 x 13
Supplies for the Singh's Engagement Party2015WC
10 x 12
Front Yard '152015WC
10 x 14
Turning Treeoil on panel
6" x 6"A display of Fall color as the green leaves turn yellow and red. Another scene from Clark Park.
Orange Bougainevillaoil/panel
8 x 10
Tree Study - Clark Parkoil/panel
14 x 11
In Fall oil on panel
6 " x 6"Capturing the effect of the changing color of the leaves as well as the contrasting colors of tree trunks provide the interest for me in this small celebration of Fall. Painted at Clark Regional Park, Fullerton.
Towards Coyote Hillsoil on canvas
9 x 12Painted in morning light over a three day period from the last parking space at Clark park, the eroded mud of West Coyote Hills shows in the distance.
Collection: Tom Stark
All images copyright George Tapley
Contact for payment information and options, shipping costs, and further details. While some paintings are already framed, we are not involved in additional framing at this time.
You can email me at
Currently acception Venmo only @Alan-Tapley-2